Although I have managed to reclaim my respective Discord account itself as of 4/9/2024, we're still doing some backend "recovery efforts" before we start accepting Discord server invite link requests again. More details here; your patience and understanding in advance is greatly appreciated.

Important News Articles

* Email Correspondence Reminder Regarding The Upcoming "Labor Day Weekend" (And Other Related Things) (8/30/'24)

* Anniversary Statement Document For 2024 Now Posted (6/30/'24)

* Music Operations Correspondence Handling Reminders for this Coming "Memorial Day Weekend" (5/24/2024 - 5/27/2024) (5/23/'24)

For a list of previous important news article postings, please go to this page.

Latest Game Pages

October 11, 2024
* Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Nintendo Switch)

May 23, 2024
* Princess Peach: Showtime!

November 9, 2023
* Super Mario Bros. Wonder

For a list of previous game page additions, please go to this page.

Recently Added/Updated Music Arrangement Files

October 11, 2024
* Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Nintendo Switch) (16 New) (View Article)

May 23, 2024
* Princess Peach: Showtime! (26 New) (View Article)

March 15, 2024
* Mario Kart Tour (1 New) (View Article)

Resolution Assistance Center

There is currently 1 music operations related issue/case which we need your help in getting it resovled as soon as possible. More details about it can be read here.

Music Arrangements Progress Page

Keep track on how many upcoming Super Nintendo music style arrangements are coming along so far by going to this page!

Blog Entry Archive Listings

Looking for previous entries that were posted here on this site? Check out our Blog Entry Archive Listings page.

Contact the Author/Site Administrator

If you would like to get in touch with the author regarding this site and/or any other matters regarding these music operations in general, please choose one of the email page links located here.

Social Media Portals

* IRC Channel (Rules Page)
* Twitter (X) (Rules Page)
* SoundCloud
* Discord (Request an Invite) - For more information as to why, please see here, as well as here.

Still Alive on the Backend / Our Planbook for the Final Weeks of 2023

Posted by Merit Celaire on Wednesday, December 20, 2023 - 02:16 PM

Good afternoon, friends; it's been a few weeks since yours truly posted from the beginning of this month, right? Well, I wish I was kidding about this, but outside of these beloved music operations as a whole, I've been dealing with a whole bunch of real life "challenges" that have been trying to literally drain my overall energy and motivation all over the place. Thankfully, as of the date and time of this posting, it's evidence that I still haven't forgotten about all of you faithful friends and followers of these endeavors and as long as I have a God-given life and breath, I'm still determined to keep this going in the best ways I can.

To the chase because I'm trying my best to keep this short (plus, I have to step out again to deal with other important errands outside of here very soon): I've been hard at work on the backend trying to get our final Super Nintendo music styled arrangement covers done to conclude the 2023 year. As you can see from our "Music Arrangements Progress Page", there are a total of five files that are on standby to get finalized and posted covering songs from Mario Sports Superstars, Mario Tennis Open, and Super Mario Bros. Wonder. And I'm hoping that between now and the end of this year, I can see about targeting two more songs from Mario Tennis Open before we can call it a year. Still no guarantees, but I definitely have fingers crossed that we can get this done.

This one thing is certain: the final music arrangement file postings of 2023 to share with all of you for these operations will not happen until during the course of after the upcoming "Christmas holiday weekend". We're just hoping that there won't be any more "adversarial forces" getting in our way to finish up this month (as compared to the majority of the previous month when our hosting account was under suspension due to reaching our account's monthly bandwith allotment). The other reason I said this is because I also have to deal with work obligations during this coming Tuesday after Christmas as well. But more details regarding correspondence response related to these entire music operations will be shared in a separate post later on this week before we dive into the Christmas holiday weekend itself.

Another quick reminder before it slips my mind (and because I have to start ending this now): don't forget that if you haven't taken the time to submit your online suggestion forms to me yet from this page, now is definitely the time to do so before years end. As you already know, the latter part of this year added the game installments of Mario Kart Arcade GP 2, Super Mario Party, and Super Mario Bros. Wonder for both forms; I'm still waiting to hear from many of you out there regarding if you are keeping tabs on any new song covers that get posted involving stuff from these aforementioned games and/or if you have any candidates under them which you hope will reach my planbook soon in the coming months as we get the 2024 year rolling in a few weeks from now. Just make sure to definitely follow all guidelines for both forms in question and if you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to let me know your concern.

Thanks in advance to you all once again for your patience and understanding as I'm still fighting tooth and nail to get back in the music arrangement groove full force, especially during these final weeks of the 2023 year; once again, I'll let you folks know in another post down the road regarding upcoming correspondence handling during the Christmas holiday weekend to come, so stay tuned.  Until then, I'm gone for now.

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December 2023 Greetings: Catching Up In This "Final Month" / Working On Final Music Covers of 2023

Posted by Merit Celaire on Friday, December 1, 2023 - 11:44 PM

Good evening, friends; yours truly has finally come back from work obligations since earlier today to get this "monthly greetings entry" written up to start this "final month" of 2023. Not to mention that as you all might have also been aware from late last month, this site was temporarily "offline/inaccessible" because our respective hosting account's bandwith allotment reached its monthly limit days before November came to a close. Hoepfully we won't run into a situation like this again during the course of this new month, but I'm already investigating and weighing options regards how to approach this angle going forward (as well as any "backup angles" should the site's bandwith allotment for this month run out again).

In other music operations related news, I'm already at work on the backend dealing with the final Super Nintendo music styled arrangement covers of 2023. As you can tell from the "Music Arrangement Progress Page", apparently there have been more songs from famed composer Motoi Sakuraba that have caught my attention between the Nintendo 3DS games Mario Tennis Open and Mario Sports Superstars. And although details are still under lock and key for the time being, at least one upcoming song cover may involve a newly featured Super Nintendo music instrument set. You'll have to wait and see what SNES game in question will be featured next in due time.

In the meantime, and as another quick reminder: first and foremost, we're still in a very great need to increase our follower numbers on all our music operations related "community portals". If you haven't done so already, read this article for the full details, then see about joining us at our Twitter (X) PortalDiscord PortalSoundCloud Portal, and our IRC Portal on Espernet.

Also don't forget that our "Song Candidate Submissions" online suggestion form still needs your involvement in helping me plan new possible Super Nintendo music styled song covers down the road, especially after our previous update involving the first batch of stuff targeting the score of Super Mario Bros. Wonder. Although not actual requests, you still have a say in helping me out on the planning process on what songs will hope will get the SNES music cover treatment in the coming weeks and months ahead.

That's all for now for this formal "monthly greetings entry" to start things off this December. As always, if you have any further questions after reading this blog posting itself, please don't hesitate to let me know; thanks again as always, and I'll see you awesome people next time around. Take care until then.

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Quick Reminders of Correspondence Processing for This Coming Thanksgiving Weekend

Posted by Merit Celaire on Wednesday, November 22, 2023 - 04:49 PM

Hey there, good afternoon, all; I'm hoping that this next to final week of this month of November has still been good on your end of things. As for yours truly, I've been playing catch-up on music operations related correspondence and rechecking my planbook to decide what to deal with next on the music arrangement agenda after recently posting our first batch of Super Nintendo music styled arrangement covers focused on songs from Super Mario Bros. Wonder.

To the chase regarding today's blog posting: as you all know, tomorrow officially starts the Thanksgiving holiday weekend which means that for the most part, I'll be out with my immediate friends/family network dealing with holiday happenings for these next four days.

Which brings us to this reminder regarding any music operations correspondence that may be received between the dates of 11/23/2023 - 11/26/2023: please be advised that all emails received won't be able to be reviewed until during the course of this coming Monday (11/27/2023). This includes any general email correspondence from our main online contact form, the two online suggestion forms, and/or any join requests for our related Twitter (X) profile page, as well as invite requests to our server on Discord.

Thanks in advance for your understanding and patience during this upcoming Thanksgiving holiday weekend; I look forward to getting back in the groove full force for these music operations as a whole when Monday arrives. To those of you who are definitely viewing this post from the United States, I hope you all have a very awesome Thanksgiving holiday weekend with your family and friends; let's all stay safe until we get back in action again for the new work week (and the final week of this month of November). See you all later.

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Release Weekend for "Super Mario RPG (Nintendo Switch)" (And Other Important Related News)

Posted by Merit Celaire on Saturday, November 18, 2023 - 12:13 PM

Was hoping to snag writing this post for our site as well last night, but work obligations outside of here literally drained my energy after coming back home following my being out of the house for eleven to twelve straight hours yesterday. But better late than never right?

To the chase: as you all are already aware, this is the anticipated "release weekend" for the highly anticipated Nintendo Switch remake of Super Mario RPG which was originally developed for the Super Nintendo Entertainment system (full title being Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars). And although the remake of this special RPG installment is on my target list to play for sure, I must announce that this is one of those installments which as you can recall I gave a respective "PASS" on because the remake on the music front gives reference to the Super Nintendo original version; plus, the majority of the musical score itself is literally unique (thanks to Yoko Shimomura who poured in a lot of hard work on the music end). Add to the fact that according to this video, there's an option to switch between the "modern" version of said Super Mario RPG score as well as the Super Nintendo original version, and that confirms why I'm still giving this installment a respectful "PASS" on my music arrangement planbook.

That said, I still have to state to all of you here (including myself) that it does not mean that this Nintendo Switch remake of a very special installment originally done for the Super Nintendo console should be ignored; not by a long shot. This installment was the starting point for all other Mario RPG installments that were to follow after this including the Paper Mario series, and even the Mario & Luigi series, so when you get the chance, make sure to see about checking this Super Mario RPG installment itself on the Nintendo Switch console to check out what made the Super Nintendo installment of this same game very special (with some new twists for this modern version as well, of course!).

That's all for now, and thanks for your understanding on this. If do you have any further questions about said announcement here, please don't hesitate to let me know about it. Take care for now, all.

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