Although I have managed to reclaim my respective Discord account itself as of 4/9/2024, we're still doing some backend "recovery efforts" before we start accepting Discord server invite link requests again. More details here; your patience and understanding in advance is greatly appreciated.

Important News Articles

* Important Announcement About Our "Twitter (X) Portal" Profile Account (As of 10/21/2024) (10/21/'24)

* Email Correspondence Reminder Regarding The Upcoming "Labor Day Weekend" (And Other Related Things) (8/30/'24)

* Anniversary Statement Document For 2024 Now Posted (6/30/'24)

For a list of previous important news article postings, please go to this page.

Latest Game Pages

October 11, 2024
* Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Nintendo Switch)

May 23, 2024
* Princess Peach: Showtime!

November 9, 2023
* Super Mario Bros. Wonder

For a list of previous game page additions, please go to this page.

Recently Added/Updated Music Arrangement Files

October 11, 2024
* Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Nintendo Switch) (16 New) (View Article)

May 23, 2024
* Princess Peach: Showtime! (26 New) (View Article)

March 15, 2024
* Mario Kart Tour (1 New) (View Article)

Resolution Assistance Center

There is currently 1 music operations related issue/case which we need your help in getting it resovled as soon as possible. More details about it can be read here.

Music Arrangements Progress Page

Keep track on how many upcoming Super Nintendo music style arrangements are coming along so far by going to this page!

Blog Entry Archive Listings

Looking for previous entries that were posted here on this site? Check out our Blog Entry Archive Listings page.

Contact the Author/Site Administrator

If you would like to get in touch with the author regarding this site and/or any other matters regarding these music operations in general, please choose one of the email page links located here.

Social Media Portals

* SoundCloud
* Discord (Request an Invite) - For more information as to why, please see here, as well as here.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION Regarding Our Twitter and Discord Social Media Portals

Posted by Merit Celaire on Thursday, August 22, 2019 - 07:43 PM

Earlier this morning, everyone, two of our "social media portals" in relation to these music operations were under attack. Not only that, I received word that the folks responsible for this "attack" in question were also out after yours truly as well. I will not disclose the full details as well as the folks that are responsible for this case, but I will state that they were not actual supporters of me and these operations as a whole at all. Instead, after the truth was revealed to me, they posted on Twitter itself very sensitive information/dialogue in regards to "direct message conversations" that I have made with a certain group of people - and it even involved dialogue that even I did not want to have going public at all.

The events in question stated above are nothing more than a personal offense to me as well as everyone else here who is a true and legitimate faithful follower of these operations that I hold near and dear to my heart for nearly ten years. As a result of this, the folks that were found to be responsible for attempting to do extremely severe damage against me now have their respective accounts blocked on Twitter (meaning that they are no longer able to interact with us at our music operation's Twitter Portal) and Discord (specifically, they are now banned from and are no longer welcome on our related server; plus, the majority of known accounts that have interacted with yours truly before personally through direct messages will not have the chance from this point forward ever again).

Also, due to these unfortunate events against us regarding these two areas (especially against me, personally), there are two important things that you all need to know about:

(1) "Twitter Portal" - "Protected Account" (Until Further Notice)
First of all, due to the fact that this attack against myself and these operations as a whole happened on Twitter first with the posting of said "sensitive dialogue/information" mainly to ridicule me and these operations altogether in hopes to destroy all this hard work, the "Twitter Portal" itself and our account related to it are now in the "Protected" status. That means that although you're still able to get to that area through here, you won't be able to see our posts there unless you are a confirmed follower. And even then, if you do submit a "follower request" to us, we have to manually approve you before you see our Twitter postings altogether. Be forewarned: if there are any follower requests received that have a connection to previous accounts that have been blocked which were responsible for our having to take this action for our Twitter account, your request will be immediately denied. Additionally, there is no ETA on when I will take the account off of the "Protected Status" at this time, so please don't ask. We will use our own discrection in regards to when it's safe to put the account back in "normal" status in due time.

(2) Discord Portal - "Public Invite" Link Now Inactive At This Time
Because the majority of activity that lead to this action since this morning happened on the Discord, along with our getting word that the said folks responsible for my taking action to protect both our Twitter and Discord Portals (along with my blocking said users on the DM side and banning the majority of those users from our music operations related server on the Discord), the public invite link that we used has now been taken down and is currently inactive at this time. I will be working on alternative routes to allow legitimate followers who do have a Discord account to submit manual requests so I can send you a temporary invite link to join the server. Let it be clear that just like our manually having to "approve" followers on Twitter, we will be doing the same thing for folks who still want to join our Discord server as well.

For both the Discord and Twitter portals of our music operations, we unfortunately have to take this action for the safety and security of all those who are without a doubt legitimate followers of what we're doing here. And although these events were mainly to attack and ridicule yours truly, this is still an attack on an entire community who's supporting these operations as a whole, along with yours truly who's the maintainer/administrator of it all. As you all know, I'm a very positive person in everything I do, especially in regards to sharing my love of Nintendo's Super Mario videogame series as a whole along with doing my Super Nintendo music style arrangement covers for them. But it only takes certain "personal actions" from a certain group of people who want to do nothing but bring me and an entire operation down to have me get the line drawn; and apparently, they have crossed it. This kind of behavior has not been and will never be tolerated for this videogame music fan community, and any more actions like this after tonight will be dealt with in a swift fashion.

To the majority of folks reading this, I sincerely apologize for any inconveniences this may have caused you and I thank you wholeheartedly for your understanding. As always, if there's anything that needs clarification, please do not hesitate to send me an email. Thank you.

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