Although I have managed to reclaim my respective Discord account itself as of 4/9/2024, we're still doing some backend "recovery efforts" before we start accepting Discord server invite link requests again. More details here; your patience and understanding in advance is greatly appreciated.

Important News Articles

* Important Announcement About Our "Twitter (X) Portal" Profile Account (As of 10/21/2024) (10/21/'24)

* Email Correspondence Reminder Regarding The Upcoming "Labor Day Weekend" (And Other Related Things) (8/30/'24)

* Anniversary Statement Document For 2024 Now Posted (6/30/'24)

For a list of previous important news article postings, please go to this page.

Latest Game Pages

October 11, 2024
* Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Nintendo Switch)

May 23, 2024
* Princess Peach: Showtime!

November 9, 2023
* Super Mario Bros. Wonder

For a list of previous game page additions, please go to this page.

Recently Added/Updated Music Arrangement Files

October 11, 2024
* Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Nintendo Switch) (16 New) (View Article)

May 23, 2024
* Princess Peach: Showtime! (26 New) (View Article)

March 15, 2024
* Mario Kart Tour (1 New) (View Article)

Resolution Assistance Center

There is currently 1 music operations related issue/case which we need your help in getting it resovled as soon as possible. More details about it can be read here.

Music Arrangements Progress Page

Keep track on how many upcoming Super Nintendo music style arrangements are coming along so far by going to this page!

Blog Entry Archive Listings

Looking for previous entries that were posted here on this site? Check out our Blog Entry Archive Listings page.

Contact the Author/Site Administrator

If you would like to get in touch with the author regarding this site and/or any other matters regarding these music operations in general, please choose one of the email page links located here.

Social Media Portals

* SoundCloud
* Discord (Request an Invite) - For more information as to why, please see here, as well as here.

Email Correspondence Management Announcement As Of 7/4/'22

Posted by Merit Celaire on Monday, July 4, 2022 - 03:49 PM

Hey there, friends; I hope that you all are enjoying your July 4th holiday itself (if you're viewing us from the United States area, of course). Although I'm still in the "holiday" mode over here, I still want to make sure I get this important announcement out of the way, and it's in regards to the "email correspondence" angle of our music operations as a whole, especially in regards to this site.

As of the date and time of this posting, and due to the result of our having to move our hosting account for this site to AwardSpace, the email correspondence addresses that we have been using prior to this hosting server move have now been condensed back to one email address

That means from this point forward, only the "mailroom AT mc-mmg-homebase DOT com" email correspondence address is the "active" one at this time; all other email addresses prior to this announcement are null and void. With that said, this does not affect any of our active email correspondence forms on this site from the frontend; any inquiry sent from you all that's obviously music operations management related will show up at this address for my review upon reception.

However, the email processing limitations still apply. As I have stated in this article months ago, the email form processing account that we have with Formspree has a limit of 50 submissions per month (under the "free" status, which we have with them there). But along with that, even though I'll try my best to get back with you on any legitimate inquiry received upon review, I'm also limited in terms of how many emails I can send from this hosting account with AwardSpace each month (which is up to a total of 30 emails; unless the account gets upgraded to a "paid" status - this hosting account is under the "free" status as well just like the Formspree account we have).

Long story short, the key factors of this announcement are: (1) make sure you only have the "mailroom AT mc-mmg-homebase DOT com" email address in your email clients whitelists on your end, and (2) please don't use our active email correspondence forms (including the main contact form, the Discord server temporary invite link form, the plagiarism report form, and our two suggestion forms) unless it's absolutely necessary to get in contact with me about any music operations related matters. Of course, as I said in this previous article, I'll let you all know if I am especially reaching my "monthly submission limit" with Formspree (which still stands at 50 since we just started this new month), and especially when it looks like I might be forced to "delay" response to email submissions that I may receive from you all (of course, unless I run into a breakthrough that results in my being able to "upgrade" both the Formspree and AwardSpace accounts to "paid" statuses, I'll let you all know about this development as well).

My apologies for you all if this was a very long read, but this was still a very important announcement that needed to be written in order to let you all know what has been going on at this time. I do honestly thank you all in advance for your understanding of the situation at this time; as always, if you have any further questions on this, please don't hesitate to let me know. See you all later.

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