Good afternoon, friends; yours truly is just snagging the opportunity this afternoon to touch bases with you all on two angles before having to switch gears to deal with work obligations outside of here within the next few hours.
First of all, we are now currently in our "Good Friday and Easter Weekend"; at this time, I've been checking on any remaining music operations related correspondence to take care of that's of the high priority; however, from this point forward, any further correspondence that's sent my between now and Sunday will be reviewed during the course of the new work week (which will also begin the new month of April). Once again, this includes any correspondence from you all that's sent my direction via the main contact form, the plagiarism report form, and both online suggestion forms. Your understanding of this in advance is very much appreciated.
Second, if you haven't viewed our Music Arrangements Progress Page as of late, you will not believe what "upcoming game installment" has hit the queue... not only that, but the upcoming arrangements count for it is DOMINATING said page! When yours truly said that planning to do Super Nintendo music styled arrangements focused on songs from the recently released Princess Peach: Showtime! installment was going to be in a "MEDIUM TO HIGH PRIORITY" status, I wasn't joking. Because right now, the upcoming song cover count involving music from said game is now currently standing at 14 at last check, and there might be more to come in the coming weeks according to my planbook as I find more candidates. However, in the meantime, as I said on one or two previous blog entries before this one, don't forget that I'm still waiting to hear from you faithful friends/followers/listeners in regards to what songs from Princess Peach: Showtime! you hope will be considered for my planbook in the coming months to do SNES music styled covers for; you're able to let me know by going to this online suggestion form - just ensure that you've mentioned Princess Peach: Showtime! in question 2B so I'll know what game installment you're talking about when sending those candidates in for me to review in due time.
Once again, thanks again in advance for your time and understanding on these latest happenings elaborated on here and all of you awesome people have a fantastic Good Friday and Easter holiday weekend itself, remembering the ultimate reason why we honor this special occasion in the first place. I'm gone for now.