Quick "Suggestion Forms" Maintenance News as of 11/5/'21

Posted by Merit Celaire [ mailto: ]
Date: Friday, November 5, 2021 - 09:41 PM
Category: Site News/Update Entries

This additional post was triggered as a result in checking out certain related  pages prior to writing this blog entry elaborating about the 10th anniversary of Super Mario 3D Land developed for the Nintendo 3DS console; however, it needs to be announced on its own entry here.

Here's the situation, while checking out our respective available form pages after writing the blog entry talking about Super Mario 3D Land's 10th anniversary, I noticed that there was not an option for that game on the "Song Candidates Suggestions" form as well as the "Plagiarism Report Form". Upon noticing this oversight, I made sure to get this situation remedied and the "Super Mario 3D Land" option itself should be shown as one of those choices now, especially since we do have a related game page for these operations which house the Super Nintendo music style covers that I've done targeting songs from that installment.

This is also a good time to remind you all that if any of you notice anything amiss like this kind of case in the future, please don't hesitate to let me know as soon as possible about the situation either by sending an email my way or contacting me via the existing social media portals that we have in relation to these music operations when I'm online from those angles. This will allow me to investigate the said matters in a timely fashion to confirm the legitimacy of what's being brought to my attention as well as taking action to rectify the matter. It definitely means a lot in the long run so the sooner we can detect any errors on this site, the better it will be for all of us.

Thanks in advance for your time and reading; take care until next time, all. I'm out.

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