As of 2/6/2025, we are pleased to announce that the "Discord Portal" Server Invite Link Request Form will be returning soon; hopefully before the end of this month. More details can be found here; thanks once again for your patience and understanding at this time.

Important News Articles

* Christmas Greetings for 2024 / Correspondence Processing Reminders During This Holiday Period (12/25/'24)

* Important Announcement About Our "Twitter (X) Portal" Profile Account (As of 10/21/2024) (10/21/'24)

* Email Correspondence Reminder Regarding The Upcoming "Labor Day Weekend" (And Other Related Things) (8/30/'24)

For a list of previous important news article postings, please go to this page.

Latest Game Pages

December 31, 2024
* Super Mario Party Jamboree

October 11, 2024
* Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Nintendo Switch)

May 23, 2024
* Princess Peach: Showtime!

For a list of previous game page additions, please go to this page.

Recently Added/Updated Music Arrangement Files

December 31, 2024
* Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Nintendo Switch) (1 New) (View Article)

December 31, 2024
* Super Mario Party Jamboree (4 New) (View Article)

December 31, 2024
* Mario Golf: Super Rush (3 New) (View Article)

Resolution Assistance Center

There is currently 1 music operations related issue/case which we need your help in getting it resovled as soon as possible. More details about it can be read here.

Music Arrangements Progress Page

Keep track on how many upcoming Super Nintendo music style arrangements are coming along so far by going to this page!

Blog Entry Archive Listings

Looking for previous entries that were posted here on this site? Check out our Blog Entry Archive Listings page.

Contact the Author/Site Administrator

If you would like to get in touch with the author regarding this site and/or any other matters regarding these music operations in general, please choose one of the email page links located here.

Social Media Portals

* SoundCloud
* Discord (Request an Invite) - For more information as to why, please see here, as well as here.

Dormant on Frontend, But Still Busy on Backend; What's Been Going On

Posted by Merit Celaire on Wednesday, August 24, 2022 - 09:31 PM

Good evening, faithful friends/followers of these beloved music operations as a whole; I definitely appreciate your heartfelt patience at this time - besides the recent addition that was made a little over one week ago, I've still been slowly sorting things out on the backend like heck as I try to get back into the Super Nintendo music style arrangement groove full force  and see about clearing out the majority of this backlog before this year is in the history books. And just to prove that I'm not lying, here's what I'm currently having to deal with at this time.

(1) Still Having "Primary Email Issues" Regarding Our "Twitter Portal" Account
As some of you might recall, a few months ago when yours truly had to literally sort out moving this site to a new hosting service months ago, I was also sorting out matters regarding "email correspondence matters" tied to our account with Twitter. To this day, I am still having issues with the support department there getting in touch with me regarding getting that situation completely resolved and I feel they're literally giving me the runaround. At last check, they did get back with me saying that the internal departments will investigate the issue and get back with me when they've finally gotten to the source of the problem. The problem is, they haven't given me an ETA on when that'll happen and I'm just left with closed tickets as a result. I'm still a patient person regarding this matter, but rest assured that I'm not going to let this situation die down easily. Hopefully before this year is out, Twitter will finally see about following up with me with a real answer on getting our music operation's "primary email address" back on file completely. Stay tuned.

(2) Playing Email Correspondence Catch-Up, But Still Waiting To Hear From You!
As this title states, because of real life situations that I've been having to sort through outside of these music operations, as well as taking care of important things on the backend within (including this site), I've been slowly trying my best to catch up on any email correspondence related to here. Progress has been made on this angle during the course of tonight; in the meantime, I'm still patiently waiting to hear from many of you via the main email contact form and especially our two suggestion forms that help in my planning new music arrangement covers to share with you all in the months ahead. As I have always said, although I am the "main author" of these entire operations (as well as the administrator of this site), this is still nothing without you faithful Mario videogame enthusiasts and Super Nintendo music style arrangement fans backing me up, so if you have any legitimate stuff you wanted to send my way via review, make sure to hit the aforementioned links. Just keep in mind the "submission limit" that we're under from the Formspree end (as explained in this previous post).

(3) Community Members Still Needed, Especially For The Coming "Final Four Months"!
I'll definitely elaborate on this another time, especially when we start the month of September, but we definitely need to get in gear and bring in more people who are definitely interested in following these endeavors of covering the "modern" song of the Super Mario (main, spinoff, and branched) videogame installments in the beloved Super Nintendo music style! So if you are a person who definitely has been enjoying what's been presented here and/or if you know someone who also might be very interested (and if both angles meet this criteria), then we definitely need you to join us! The available social media portals related to these music operations are our server on the Discord (after applying for an invite link via this form), submitting a follower request via our Twitter profilejoining our IRC channel on EsperNet, as well as following our SoundCloud profile. My hope is that during the upcoming "final four months" that will hit in less than 1 - 2 weeks from now, I can get back in the music groove and get more music covers posted (that are obviously not targeting songs from Mario Kart Tour!). Oh, I almost forgot about mentioning the "Forum Portal", but that'll still be elaborated on at another time (but I will state that what's getting in the way on that angle is in terms of the "hosting services" setup regarding our account with AwardSpace).

Until then, I have to end this here; bottom line: we're still slowly coming back for sure. The main hope is that new music arrangement postings will be back in full force once we get into September (and the "final four months" period itself). Once again, I thank you all in advance for your patience during this time and take care until we see each other again. I'm out for now.

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