Although I have managed to reclaim my respective Discord account itself as of 4/9/2024, we're still doing some backend "recovery efforts" before we start accepting Discord server invite link requests again. More details here; your patience and understanding in advance is greatly appreciated.

Important News Articles

* Email Correspondence Reminder Regarding The Upcoming "Labor Day Weekend" (And Other Related Things) (8/30/'24)

* Anniversary Statement Document For 2024 Now Posted (6/30/'24)

* Music Operations Correspondence Handling Reminders for this Coming "Memorial Day Weekend" (5/24/2024 - 5/27/2024) (5/23/'24)

For a list of previous important news article postings, please go to this page.

Latest Game Pages

October 11, 2024
* Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Nintendo Switch)

May 23, 2024
* Princess Peach: Showtime!

November 9, 2023
* Super Mario Bros. Wonder

For a list of previous game page additions, please go to this page.

Recently Added/Updated Music Arrangement Files

October 11, 2024
* Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Nintendo Switch) (16 New) (View Article)

May 23, 2024
* Princess Peach: Showtime! (26 New) (View Article)

March 15, 2024
* Mario Kart Tour (1 New) (View Article)

Resolution Assistance Center

There is currently 1 music operations related issue/case which we need your help in getting it resovled as soon as possible. More details about it can be read here.

Music Arrangements Progress Page

Keep track on how many upcoming Super Nintendo music style arrangements are coming along so far by going to this page!

Blog Entry Archive Listings

Looking for previous entries that were posted here on this site? Check out our Blog Entry Archive Listings page.

Contact the Author/Site Administrator

If you would like to get in touch with the author regarding this site and/or any other matters regarding these music operations in general, please choose one of the email page links located here.

Social Media Portals

* IRC Channel (Rules Page)
* Twitter (X) (Rules Page)
* SoundCloud
* Discord (Request an Invite) - For more information as to why, please see here, as well as here.

Planning to Investigate Alternate "Social Media Portals" Soon

Posted by Merit Celaire on Monday, May 20, 2024 - 05:13 PM


Good afternoon, faithul friends and followers of these music operations as a whole; just snagged the chance this afternoon to get this post written up because I have a very important announcement to make in regards to our "social media portal" community efforts that link to here.

So with all due highest respect, and in case you all weren't aware, at the "Twitter Portal" (or, more specifically, the "X" Portal) - in my humble opinion, the unthinkable has happened: the "Twitter URL" is now a thing of the past. Now the URL itself has now changed to simply "", and I'm very sure that there are already a flood of people who are literally not liking this change itself, and that includes yours truly. In fact, as far as I'm concerned, this is literally unacceptable.

We were starting to have a bunch of issues with this platform's management months ago when they changed the "Twitter logo" to the "X logo" as well as adding a lot of other stuff that for the most part mostly everyone did not ask for at all (besides "account security"). Now with the recent news about the site URL there being just "", we are now convinced that it's time for us to prepare to slowly phase out of this platform (along with seeing that the overall "userbase environment" there has been starting to become more dangerous month after month; this will be elaborated even further in our upcoming "anniversary statement document" for 2024 as well and here's a hint: this platform isn't the only one that hit our recent "worst offenders" list).

Therefore, after we've taken care of our upcoming update involving our implementation of our Princess Peach: Showtime! page (housing our first batch of Super Nintendo music style arrangements targeting songs from that game) as well as getting our upcoming music operations annual "anniversary statement document" written up and posted on this site, I'll be investigating what other alternate social media options are out there in hopes of making a decision in due time on the best candidate. Because as far as I'm concerned, our time with making posts on the "Twitter (X) Portal" may be starting to wind down as the months progress; as stated earlier, the "environment" there overall is nothing short of literally dangerous and very unsafe.

That's all for now in regards to this announcement in question; will keep you folks posted on any progress made in getting our next "social media portal candidate" chosen, hopefully before year's end. Meanwhile, if you do have any further questions or suggestions about legitimate social media portal candidates that should be considered for my review, please don't hesitate to let me know as soon as possible. I'm gone for now.

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