Important News Articles
* Important Announcement About Our "Twitter (X) Portal" Profile Account (As of 10/21/2024) (10/21/'24)
* Email Correspondence Reminder Regarding The Upcoming "Labor Day Weekend" (And Other Related Things) (8/30/'24)
* Anniversary Statement Document For 2024 Now Posted (6/30/'24)
For a list of previous important news article postings, please go to this page.
Latest Game Pages
October 11, 2024
* Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Nintendo Switch)
May 23, 2024
* Princess Peach: Showtime!
November 9, 2023
* Super Mario Bros. Wonder
For a list of previous game page additions, please go to this page.
Recently Added/Updated Music Arrangement Files
October 11, 2024
* Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Nintendo Switch) (16 New) (View Article)
May 23, 2024
* Princess Peach: Showtime! (26 New) (View Article)
March 15, 2024
* Mario Kart Tour (1 New) (View Article)
Resolution Assistance Center
There is currently 1 music operations related issue/case which we need your help in getting it resovled as soon as possible. More details about it can be read here.
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September 2019 Greetings: The "Final Four Months", Pressing Forward, and Quick Reminders
Posted by Merit Celaire on Sunday, September 1, 2019 - 08:31 PM
All right, faithful followers and listeners, happy September to all of you! Brace yourselves, we are now officially in our "final four months" of the 2019 year itself. As what was posted on previous blog entries from the previous month, yours truly has still been recovering slowly from personal attacks via two "social media portals" (and DMs as well) in relation to these operations and more; additionally, hopefully within the next few days, as elaborated here, I'll see about working on that remaining Super Paper Mario game page to get the external music file links modified (because although it doesn't bear repeating, it still must be said that the current file links on that page are inactive at this time due to Instaudio disabling access to them due to their pending operations shutdown). Once again, this probably won't happen until during the course of this coming Tuesday (September 3, 2019); and this will be after I have dealt with other "outside business" for that day. Until then, if there is any of you who were still looking to obtain the music arrangement files that I posted for that page so far covering the Super Paper Mario score, please do not hesitate to contact me via email, IRC channel, or Discord (if you have filled out this form and got approval to receive an invite link to our server there).
Then after this ordeal is completely out of the way, it's time to put all of this mess behind us (both from the general and "personal" ends) and move on during these "final four months" head on. And yours truly can not wait to get back into the Super Nintendo music style arrangement groove again because I still have an extremely huge backlog staring at me in the face, and it's been annoying me like heck. Not to mention that it's been months since our last batch of music arrangement additions targeting the musical score of Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (as announced here). Not only that, but it's been longer than that since we added new featured Super Mario (and branched) videogame installments (as you can already see, the "recent" one was our adding the Luigi's Mansion page way back on 10/31/'18, targeting the 3DS remake of the Gamecube launch installment). But rumor has it that if fate doesn't throw any "adversarial wrenches" from here on out for the rest of this year (and next year as well), this drought may be over: there's at least one Mario game installment that I've been working on new Super Nintendo music style arrangement covers for which doesn't have a page done for yet and I'm starting the process on covers for another installment as well. I'll just leave these hints: one is targeting a game done for the Nintendo Switch console, and another one is targeting a game for the Nintendo 3DS console. As we forge on ahead during the course of this month (and the rest of this year), you'll know in due time what those games in question will be. Watch for it.
Until then, and a few quick reminders regarding our two "social media portals" (due to the fact that we had to implement new "security measures" on them):
* Twitter Portal: Our account is still in action here and we're still looking for more legitimate followers who want to be a part of up to date news regarding these operations; but because of our recently having to put it in "protected view" (due to "personal abuse" against yours truly and others under that account) to ensure that no more abuse occurs anymore, you will need to submit a follower request to me from that page (unless you've run into a notice that your account has been blocked from interacting with us any further over there on Twitter). And even after you've submitted that request in question, I have to manually give you clearance when I get notice from the Twitter system itself to see further postings from yours truly from here on out if you meet the criteria regarding folks that we're looking for in regards to your following us. We appreciate your understanding there.
* Discord Portal: Same procedure as the Twitter Portal; the only difference is that as you are already aware, the "public invite link" to our server on the Discord was taken down and disabled; if you are still wanting to see about joining us over there, you will need to submit an invite link request form. Follow the instructions on that page and you should be hearing from us within 24 - 48 hours regarding if your request for access has been approved or denied depending on certain factors we've established for the server community there. Like our "Twitter Portal", the recent events including personal attacks on yours truly and other users on that server have forced us to go this route to ensure additional safety and security for all our legitimate server members there.
For both "social media portals", we've run into the conclusion late last month that both "social media portal environments" in general have been a bit of an "extreme danger zone" as of late because of certain folks who we thought were supporting us were actually spying to literally work against us in the hope of tearing down yours truly and well as these operations (hence why we have these new "security measures" for both "social media portals" in place now). But now in these "final four months" of the 2019 year, it's time for us to put all of this aside and move on from it. As stated earlier in this entry, after I deal with doing the file link modifications for our Super Paper Mario page, I have a very huge music arrangement target backlog to clear according to my planbook on the backend, and I am more than determined to start attacking it head on... so help me God!
I do apologize if this "monthly greetings entry" is a bit longer than the previous ones that I've done on this site, but to make a long story short, "fate" has set our bar for these "final four months" challenges wise, and I'm ready to face them. And I seriously hope you'll join me on this as well as we forge ahead. Until then, I'll see you folks on this coming Tuesday; to those of you viewing us in the United States area, have an awesome Labor Day holiday tomorrow. I'm out.
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