September 2022 Greetings: The "Final Four Months" Arrive Again / "Main Contact Form" Updated

Posted by Merit Celaire [ mailto: ]
Date: Thursday, September 1, 2022 - 05:13 PM
Category: Site News/Update Entries

Good afternoon friends and welcome to September and the "final four months" of this 2022 year! As many of you faithful friends/followers/listeners of these beloved music operations know. yours truly always looks forward to this portion of the year because of some certain "major holidays" that are going to be arriving at this point of the calendar as well as the fall and winter seasons approaching as well. If all goes well, it should be a good one.

And it looks like it's starting out good already on the music operations side - as of the date and time of this posting, I am pleased to announce that our "Main Website Inquiries" contact form has finally gotten some sort of an update. You can head for this page to see what new additions have been made; as always, make sure to read all instructions on the form before filling it out for submitting to my correspondence for review. Additionally, the main "Contact Us" page was updated as well to provide a list of all available forms on this site for in the event of your attempting to contact me about any music operations related matters. Just remember to read the top of said page carefully in regards to reminders about email correspondence handling regarding our receiving new inquiries from you all (as well as our being able to respond to any legitimate ones that do need answering).

Last, but not least: I'm really hoping that during these "final four months" we can at last get in gear and get this backlog down for the most part. I just need a much clearer head so I can recheck my planbook to see what I can possibly make a major dent on next along with finding new candidates to do new Super Nintendo music style covers on (which are obviously not song stuff heard in Mario Kart Tour!). In the meantime, all of you are still able to help me out on the planning front by going to the "Song Candidate Submissions" suggestion form and letting me know what songs from certain games you hope will hit my planbook to do further Super Nintendo song covers on. There are no guarantees, but at least this lets me know you all are still looking forward to new stuff from yours truly as these "final four months" press forward.

Until then, I have to end this here and once again, thanks in advance for your patience as I slowly try my best to get back in full action around these entire operations for this fourth and final quarter of the 2022 year. See you all later.

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