The "Super Mario Kart" Game (And Respective Spinoff Series) Turns 30 Years Old Today

Posted by Merit Celaire [ mailto: ]
Date: Saturday, August 27, 2022 - 04:22 PM
Category: Miscellaneous

This just in from my internal sources, everyone - and although yours truly has been doing Super Nintendo music style covers regarding songs from some installments under the related "family" of installments, this one thing is very clear: they would not even exist at all (as well as our song cover stuff) if one very important game back then didn't show up on the scene.

That game in question was the Super Mario Kart installment, which was developed for the Super Nintendo console itself 30 years ago today. Who ever would have thought that this one special game in question conceived by a few minds at the Nintendo Japan headquarters would turn into a huge spinoff installment phenomenon that is still all the rage with videogame hobbyists today (via the current installments of Mario Kart 8 / Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Mario Kart Tour)? And it looks like this momentum under this group of games isn't planned on slowing down any time soon.

As for the games in question that we have done song covers for in the Super Nintendo music style focused on certain Mario Kart installments, please make sure to check out the following (as of the date and time of this posting):

Mario Kart Wii
Mario Kart 7
Mario Kart 8 / Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Mario Kart Arcade GP DX
Mario Kart Tour
Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit

Another friendly reminder that if you have any of these above mentioned "modern" Mario Kart game installments in question, please don't hesitate to let us know via this suggestion form; additionally, if you have any song candidates from said games which you think I should consider doing a future Super Nintendo music style cover for, make sure to let me know about it here (just make sure that you've selected the game installment in question accordingly before entering the song candidate itself).

Once again, many thanks to all of the Nintendo developers in Japan who have ignited a huge spinoff installment phenomenon in general for the Super Mario series as a whole via the Mario Kart family of installments, and here's to the next major milestone for this angle of the franchise. (And here's to our doing more Super Nintendo music styled covers featuring songs from the Mario Kart games as well after today.) Until next time, see you all later.

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