The Formal "11th Anniversary Statement" Is Now Here (And It's A Very Important Read)

Posted by Merit Celaire [ mailto: ]
Date: Thursday, April 22, 2021 - 08:35 PM
Category: Site News/Update Entries

It's finally the time, everyone... after a little over one year ago since I had to call off writing the "formal anniversary statement" then discussing the state of these beloved music operations due to the COVID-19 virus threat wreaking havoc on everyone's personal everyday lives (including mine), I knew that we couldn't afford that horrifying roadblock to spill on over to this year as well. I'm pleased to announce that our formal "11th anniversary statement" document has finally been finished and is now posted as of the date and time of this posting tonight (you are able to access it by going to this link).

Be forewarned that the aformentioned document going to be a long read, but it's for reasons that are very important to be shared regarding how the "next ten years" are going to have to be shaped up if these endeavors are going to continue beyond that threshold. It is also of note that although the "presentation" and "setup" of this statement is entirely fictional (because we've got some very special guests that are accompanying me on this year's formal anniversary statement itself), the events themselves that are presented on the statement regarding these music operations itself as a whole are true and accurate.

As always, if you have any additional questions for me after reading the entire "11th anniversary statement document", please don't hesitate to send me an email with your inquiries and I'll get back to you as soon as I'm able to do so. Thanks in advance for your taking the time to read this very important document that took me since the previous weekend to write, and I'll see you all next time around. I'm out.

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