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Extras - Other Stuff - Instrument Set Clarifications ("Mighty Morphin Power Rangers")

Posted by Merit Celaire on Saturday, July 14, 2018 - 01:14 PM

This "instrument set clarification page" here is to help clear things up in regards to a certain "series" of videogames that were done because of how extremely popular a certain television show was back in the early 1990s. And that series that I'm talking about in question: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

That's right - this show was definitely the big thing in terms of the youngster crowd back in the 1990s that it even prompted videogame installments to be made based on the show... and it wasn't limited to the Super Nintendo system alone; heck, some games were done for Nintendo's competing system during that time, the Sega Genesis.

But to the chase on the Super Nintendo side of things: for those of you who are still dedicated Super Nintendo game fanatics in question, you should all know that there were a total of three installments done for the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers series of games. You also should be aware that almost one to two years ago, on the music arrangement front here, I have been doing Super Nintendo music style stuff targeting the score of the WiiU game Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash (if you haven't checked that page out yet, you can view it here); most of the posted stuff I've done so far used the instrument set done for the original game as developed and published by Bandai. More specifically from a visual sense, the image below should give you all a refresher in terms to what game I'm referring to.

"Mighty Morphin Power Rangers" (SNES Version) (Bandai)

Yes, that's the game in question; so here's the thing: to remind ourselves, the other two games developed by Bandai for the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers series include Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Fighting Edition and Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie. However, after listening to the musical scores of the other two games, chances are really low that I might do "the process" to get instrument sets from them to do possible future Super Nintendo music style arragnement stuff unless something very rare happens that will warrant me to go that route.

Long story short: if you see any further Super Nintendo music style arrangement stuff from me which uses the instrument set done for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, this is the Super Nintendo game itself that was being targeted. Hope that clears things up on this matter; I'm out for now.

P.S. If you haven't heard the musical score itself for said Mighty Morphin Power Rangers SNES game, I recommend checking out this playlist posted by gbleair3 on YouTube.

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