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* Email Correspondence Reminder Regarding The Upcoming "Labor Day Weekend" (And Other Related Things) (8/30/'24)
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* Super Mario Party Jamboree
October 11, 2024
* Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Nintendo Switch)
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Recently Added/Updated Music Arrangement Files
December 31, 2024
* Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Nintendo Switch) (1 New) (View Article)
December 31, 2024
* Super Mario Party Jamboree (4 New) (View Article)
December 31, 2024
* Mario Golf: Super Rush (3 New) (View Article)
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January 2017 Greetings: New Challenges Await Again
Posted by Merit Celaire on Wednesday, January 3, 2018 - 10:00 AM
 Our Mario gang pictured above is getting ready for the challenges waiting for them during the course of 2018; the same goes for us regarding these music operations... and the challenges have been undoubtedly upped. Read on further for more details. All right, friends; as promised, this is my formal "monthly greetings entry" as we officially begin an all new year for these operations, and as I stated in one or two previous entries, the "challenge stakes" for the course of 2018 for these music operations that yours truly maintains are going to be much higher; not to mention that thanks to those "personal circumstances" that occured attacking yours truly both on the "personal end" and my "music operations" end since the middle of last year, this is in no doubt going to see about how I'm going to answer about how I'm going to see about meeting those same challenges head on for this year. But regardless, let us be clear on this one thing: I am not one of those folks who gives up on something like this that easily; this has been my fan passion for nearly seven to eight years regarding doing Super Nintendo music style arrangements of musical scores from Super Mario (and branched) videogame installments for the Wii, WiiU, Nintendo 3DS... and coming soon, the Nintendo Switch installments... and quite possibly that mobile game, Super Mario Run. Still, I still have to take a brief look back at the progress that was made, even before the "major wrenches" were thrown against me during the course of late June of last year.
And thank heavens that during the course of late last year, we were able to see about getting the "Gallery List" section of this site back to normal! Because this still allows me to state that during the course of last year, I was able to do a total of:
* 15 new Super Nintendo music style arrangements, spanning... * 5 game installments (Super Mario Galaxy, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash, Mario Kart 7, Mario Kart 8) * ...which also involved 1 new Super Nintendo music instrument set: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (which I used for most of the "starter arrangement files" I did targeting the musical score of Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash).
As stated earlier, after I posted the "staff credits" music arrangement files I did targeting Mario Kart 7 and Mario Kart 8 (and this was before the E3 2017 happenings came around during mid-June), that's when the "major setback" hit and everything was starting to go downhill for both my "personal groove" and these music operations in general. And as you all know, yours truly was not heard from again until late September/early October (as stated in this entry here). But it still looks like with God as my witness, He is still helping me through this mess to get it all sorted out so I can get my original groove back in full force. Here's the thing: as I'm writing this "monthly greetings entry", I'm at the "hub" of one of two jobs that I'm currently in the process of having officially lined up to start work if all goes well scheduled for the middle of January. I'm also waiting to hear back from a second job as well in terms of getting that lined up as well to start rebuilding my finances on the personal end. Please be in prayer for yours truly that no more roadblocks get thrown in my direction because as far as I know, I seriously need these in place to ensure that I still can meet all the upcoming challenges in general on both my personal end, as well as for these music operations.
With that said, enough regarding the "personal end situations"; it's time to switch gears regarding the "music operations end". Once again, I'll get into more detail about that in our "anniversary greetings entry" during the course of next month (that's right, I have not forgotten about that!). But during the course of last year from that angle, I have been dealing with some "reality checks" as well. First of all, it has come to my attention that regarding the "Fundraising Campaign" attempts, unfortunately, there were little to no responses regarding those angles. Not only that, as I was doing research on the "fundraising attempts" themselves, it hit us that for those who really are interested in supporting us on the financial front (even though we tried our best to see about what we'd do once we get confirmation), those "efforts" weren't good enought because those people who want to support us are actually expecting something in return! So it's with a heavy heart that I have to say that those angles of the operations are currently "on hiatus" for retooling; however, I do have a "Plan B" in terms of how I am going to address this music operation's needs during the course of this year. Details are still undisclosed, but I will state that this will require my officially having the two said jobs in place to rebuild my finances.
The other angle of the "music operations end" that I need to address which once again, will be dealt with in more detail on the anniversary greetings entry next week: I even warned myself about this on the personal end that now, the situations and challenges have now turned into a very critical matter. Why do I say "very critical"? Seven words: Super Mario Odyssey and Super Mario Run. There are some other installments that have given me certain "clues" on the internal planbook end, but the two installments that I have listed here are a very big deal - the former even more important than the latter. Obviously, as you can tell, thanks to the popularity of Super Mario Odyssey for the Nintendo Switch console, doing Super Nintendo music style arrangements targeting the music from this game is definitely on the "high priority list". Details are still undisclosed in terms of what songs I'll be targeting, but this is a known fact: the "end result" expectations have been literally upped here because the musical score for that game has been without a doubt epic from what I've listened to so far (and I'll let you know right now that there are already some targets I have in mind for my planbook when the time comes - more details as the months forge ahead). That means that when I get to working on the "starting files" at least, I know for certain that I need to bring my A-game if I am to match the awesomness of the original tunes themselves for Super Mario Odyseey. Once again, there are some other things that I'll need to address, but that'll be saved for the "anniversary entry" next month.
In the meantime, during the course of this month, the game plan is this: I'll be rechecking other backups I have to see about getting some others aspects of these operations back in action. That includes that "Behind the Process" area, the "statistics" (which I do need to update before I get that back in action), and last, but not least, the site's "forum portal" (which I will also address in another post in regards to how that is coming along).
For now, I need to end this entry here because I know I definitely said a flood of stuff for this "monthly greetings entry" of the New Year. But long story short: the challenges for these music operations have undoubtedly increased much higher than last year, and I am ready to tackle them head on. And I hope you'll join me in this fight while still continuing to enjoy what I have to share with you all regarding all the Super Nintendo music style arrangements I currently have to offer so far, along with any new stuff I have planned to target and share with you in the months to come. Until then, have a great January, friends, and I'll see you all later.
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