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Catching Up, Part 2: The Nintendo Related 2019 Calendars Holding Music Arrangement Planning "Clues" For Us...?
Posted by Merit Celaire on Wednesday, January 23, 2019 - 08:52 PM
Now this time around, I'm snagging the time to prepare ourselves for looking forward to the 2019 year itself (and thank the Lord that I'm still able to make this post during the latter part of this month!).
Above images are of the actual Nintendo related calendars that I purchased in late December of 2018 to prepare for this 2019 year itself. (Top image is for the front view; bottom image is for the back view.)
So here's the case: during the course of late last month (and just before 2018 came to a close), I managed to see about getting two wall calendars to place in my house. And it should come as no surprise that they are both Nintendo related. Fun fact: every time I look at these calendars, they are the energy that I need to make sure to keep my passion for these music operations alive. The below images show which two calendars in question that I've targeted.
The first calendar that I purchased is obviously to target my main enthusiasm for Nintendo's leading videogame series, Super Mario (more information about this calendar in question can be viewed here at the Abrams Books website). Okay, okay, I know that you all may think: "Yeah, M. C., this looks basic; why would you get this calendar in the first place?" Because this is part of that energy that I'm aiming for in terms of doing these music operations... targeting the music of the modern games involved in question to do my Super Nintendo music style covers for! And that mission is still going to reign true for the 2019 year itself for the games involved. But what scores in question might be targeted... is a secret! You'll see what I have in store to share with you as the months forge ahead (and yes, this even involves games done for the Nintendo Switch console as well, if Super Mario Odyssey is any evidence of that). But enough about that angle; allow me to share with you the other Nintendo calendar that I managed to purchase:
This above image is of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System 2019 Wall Calendar (more information about this can be read here on the Abrams site). Here's the thing, though: on the Super Mario game series' related side, the creators gave a shoutout to two highly popular games when the Super Nintendo game system was all the rage back in the early 1990s - Super Mario World and Super Mario Kart. Make no mistake, even Nintendo themselves are making sure that we don't forget these special gems for the Mario series as a whole. However, on my beloved music operations front, I've keep getting inquiries asking "you're doing Super Nintendo music style covers of modern Super Mario and branched games for the Wii/Wii U/Nintendo 3DS/Nintendo Switch, so why aren't you using these instrument sets from the Super Nintendo Mario games themselves?" I'm currently thinking of doing a FAQ article for this site down the road, but the reason why I haven't touched those games in question because they're very, very unique and I don't want to get the instruments sets of them together unless some very special situations warrant my having to use them. But from the clues that I'm gathering so far with this calendar being the recent one, rumor has it that I might have to prepare to go that route for certain modern Mario games soon. Let me be clear: I am NOT abadoning my traditional route (despite some folks trying to get me to do otherwise) because I still want to make sure that my Super Nintendo music style covers of modern Super Mario (and branched) music match the original energy/styling heard in the games themselves that are featured. But recently, as I stated many times before, we've run into evidence that for certain games, my "traditional route" isn't going to cut it.
Long story short: is this going to be the year that the music instrument sets of the Super Nintendo Mario games might have to be touched...?! Oh the drama! God only knows, but it seems this calendar in question may be leading us in that direction. We'll just have to wait and see.
That's all I have to see about sharing with you all regarding these two calendars for 2019. Another long story short: after I finish rejuvenate and catch up to prepare for my Super Nintendo music style arrangement procedure "journey" for this new year, I'm definitely looking forward to check my planbook and finally see about attacking my planbook again regarding which songs from Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Wii U, Nintendo 3DS, and Nintendo Switch Mario (and branched) games will get the "arrangement/cover treatment" this year. Can't wait; and I hope you'll join me for this ride. Until then, see you all later, everyone; I'm out.
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