Anniversary Statement Document For 2024 Now Posted

Posted by Merit Celaire [ mailto: ]
Date: Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 08:37 PM
Category: Site News/Update Entries

Good evening, friends; I am so very sorry about this being delayed many, many times, but I'm very happy to announce that just in time before this month of June itself is in the history books, our formal "anniversary statement of 2024" for these music operations as a whole has now been posted at last can be checked out by downloading the document itself from here.

Be forewarned that once again, this newest statement itself is still quite a long read; however, I do hope that during the course of this coming week or the week after, I can get a seperate article written up highlighting certain excerpts from the said document. Until then, it still is a very important read in terms of what our music operations has to prepare to face for the rest of this 2024 year including:

(1) The "community portal/social media" environments and userbase interests literally changing before our eyes as the months progress
(2) The "backend urgencies" that we have to address in order to ensure we can make it through to the 2025 year and meet the "requirements" to keep our operations "active" when the new year itself arrives
(3) Although tied with #1, giving forewarning about every single existing "interactive community/social media platform" on the Internet now having to be treated as if we're treading extremely dangerous ground

That's all for now; as always, if you have any further questions for me after reading the newest "anniversary statement" itself, please don't hesitate to let me know. Take care until next time around, all.

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