Good afternoon, friends; we are now officially starting the new month of May for these music operations as a whole hosted by yours truly, and boy has it been insane for me on the backend! And according to my planbook, we are currently focused on taking care of two major things, as listed below:
(1) The Upcoming "Anniversary Statement Document" for 2024
So as of the end of yesterday, the related online form that allowed you faithful friends/followers/listeners of these music operations as a whole has now been closed; during the course of this month, I'll be beginning the process of getting this written up because there is undoubtedly once again a whole bunch of issues that need to be addressed on it as we get through the remainder of this 2024 year, which even includes what yours truly had to "suffer" through the first three months. I still do have an idea in regards to what is going to be shared on it, but details are still top secret until said document gets posted, hopefully before month's end. Stay tuned for more developments regarding this in the weeks to come.
(2) Our Month For "Princess Peach: Showtime!" Music Arrangements To Debut?
Second, as you all already know, I've still been very hard at work on the backend doing the first batch of Super Nintendo music styled arrangement covers targeting the score of Princess Peach: Showtime! And according to my planbook, I only have a few more targets remaining before I see about finally beginning the process of finalizing this first batch so we can get our eventual game page housing this stuff in action on the site at last for you faithful friends/followers/listeners to check out. And believe me when I say that this is going to be a big day for all of us who are Princess Peach enthusiasts on the music front as well; you won't want to miss this. Not to mention that based on these two images that I took earlier this morning (one from the Super Mario 2024 Calendar published by Abrams Books, and the other from a past special Gamestop event in my area that featured a gameplay demo for Princess Peach: Showtime! in late March before the respective game's release), could this definitely be our month to shine along with Princess Peach herself on the music end related to said game? You'll find out for sure when said page gets in action in the weeks to come; stay tuned.