Latest Follow-Up Regarding Two Angles as of 4/26/2024

Posted by Merit Celaire [ mailto: ]
Date: Friday, April 26, 2024 - 05:29 PM
Category: Music Operation Happenings

Good evening, friends; it has been a very eventful week for yours truly within these music operations as a whole (as well as outside of it). I've just snagged the chance to see about getting this latest blog entry written up to get you all up to speed regarding two angles before switching gears to "weekend mode" in a few hours from now.

The first one is regarding my Super Nintendo music style arrangement progress itself on the backend that's still continuing in literal full force focused on songs from Princess Peach: Showtime! (which got released a little over one month ago onto store shelves worldwide). As of the date and time of this posting, I'm currently preparing to target the final songs to finish out this upcoming "starting batch" of upcoming covers to share with you all so we can get all this insanely awesome stuff (without being conceited) finalized and the respective page on this site that will house them activated in the coming weeks (and especially before we enter into the "summer months period"). I'll of course keep you all posted on any new developments regarding this matter; until then, don't forget that you can still let me know via this online form which songs from the Princess Peach: Showtime! game you hope will be considered for my planbook. Those of us who are also definitely Princess Peach enthusiasts need to really band together for this heartfelt effort just as much as we're banding together to represent her to the fullest regarding this game installment itself having Peach in "lead role territory".

Second, a final reminder that only 4 - 5 days remain for you faithful friends/followers of these beloved music operations as a whole to submit your suggestions to me via this form regarding what you hope I'll see about addressing in our upcoming "anniversary statement document" for 2024 (along with how I should do the "writing process" for it). Don't wait until the last minute on this one because once the deadline arrives at day's end on 4/30/2024, the form will close. So far, I do have some ideas on what I need to see about addressing in the upcoming document; however, I want to make sure from all of you that I'm not overlooking anything when I get to writing this thing next month.

Speaking of which, there is another related thing that I need to address regarding the both of these reminders, but that will be shared in another post in just a few moments. Stay tuned, everyone.

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