Recent News About Our "Twitter Profile Page" (Related to the Entire Twitter Platform/System Itself)

Posted by Merit Celaire [ mailto: ]
Date: Wednesday, July 19, 2023 - 05:46 PM
Category: Social Media Portals

Good afternoon, friends; it has just been brought to our attention that due to recent "management decisions" regarding the Twitter platform as a whole, an active and logged-in Twitter account is required in order for you to view any profile pages on their platform, which includes the viewing and following of our profile page related to these music operations as a whole.

What does this mean for you faithful friends/visitors who are interested in being part of our "follower base" at the Twitter site? It means that first, and foremost, you are going to need to see about creating an account for the site if you haven't done so already. Afterwards, after going through confirmation/verification procedures, you need to ensure that you are logged in to your account prior to viewing any profile pages there at all and/or respond to any postings that have been made from there, which includes postings that we make from our own Twitter profile page itself.

As for our Twitter profile page related to our music operations here: that has not changed. You will still need to submit a "follower request" from our profile page itself so we can ensure that whoever has made said request attempt definitely meets our "music operations criteria" as shown on this page. This is still part of our effort in curbing any abuse and weeding out possible "troublemakers".

On a side note, we will be reviewing the "status" of our Twitter profile account itself in the coming months to see if any possible changes need to be made; that said, there are some "issues" that I have regarding this platform itself, but that's for possibly another post altogether down the road.

Until then, thanks as always for your understanding of this situation; as always, if you have any further questions and/or need assistance in relation to this case itself, please don't hesitate to let me know and I'll get back with you on said inquiry when I am able to do so. Take care for now.

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