This morning, I managed to snag the chance to get our "Music File Statistics" rankings document updated for the final time this year reflecting the two recent Super Nintendo music styled arrangement postings which were announed on 12/29/2022 and 12/30/2022 respectively. There are also plans to have a new article written for this section of the site to give a brief review of quick noteworthy stuff prior to the 2022 year itself closing. Note that this is not to be confused with my dealing with gathering statistics regarding music arrangement content activity for this year; that's a whole different article altogether and more details regarding said matter will be elaborated on during the course of next month itself as we get situated to take on the 2023 year.
On a slightly unrelated note; as you might have noticed, certain pages on the site have been reflected to prepare for the upcoming 2023 year itself when it becomes official in a little over twelve hours from now; any update statistics and such that were listed under the 2022 year have now moved to their respective "archive pages" on the site.
As always, if there are any issues that you have encountered regarding all of this said stuff stated above that I might have overlooked, please don't hesitate to let me know as soon as possible.
Thanks in advance, everyone, and I'll see you faithful friends/followers of these beloved music operations as a whole in 2023. I'm gone for now.