Hey there, good evening, friends; giving you all a heads-up regarding email correspondence stuff for during the course of this coming weekend and next week should I get any alerts about any music operations inquries get sent my way via review. As you all are well aware, this coming weekend itself (especially Monday) is going to be the Labor Day holiday weekend.
Here's the thing: I won't be available to see about answering any legitimate inquiries from you all during that time, obviously. However, I won't be able to answer any inquries during the following Tuesday either because I'm going to be occupied dealing with jury duty obligations at my town's courts (and that's very important since these are the courts we're talking about here).
Bottom line and to make a long story short: any inquiries received in my correspondence between now and this coming Tuesday will be reviewed during the course of the following Wednesday (9/7/'22). Also, please note that in regards to the "Main Website Inquiries" form, if any correspondence received has been marked "HIGH PRIORITY/URGENT" and is deemed credible upon review, those will obviously be handled first and foremost.
Thanks in advance for your patience and understanding on this angle, everyone; all of you stay healthy, safe, and have a fantastic Labor Day weekend itself on all fronts. See you all next week (after my court obligations via "jury duty" obligations, of course); I'm gone for now.