Newest Music Cover Targeting A "Mario Kart Tour" Song - "Bangkok Rush"
Posted by Merit Celaire [ mailto: ] Date: Thursday, July 28, 2022 - 04:21 PM Category: Music File Additions/Updates
Sorry for the long wait on getting this newest Super Nintendo music styled arrangement posted and out the door for you all to check out, everyone; but as I promised myself from earlier this month, I wanted to make sure that this new file in question got accounted for by the end of this month.
Image of Daisy and Toad at the "Bangkok Rush" location for Mario Kart Tour
And this is the said cover in question... targeting the "tour exclusive" course that was in action from 6/29/'22 - 7/13/'22: "Bangkok Rush". And like other "tour exclusive" songs from this game that have caught my attention as of late like the Singapore Speedway song and the Vancouver Velocity song, we can now add this one to the list of "most addictive songs to listen to and do a song cover of". You'll find out why I'd say that after checking out the available file link in question below.
New File No.
Song Title
SNES Music Arrangement Style/Featured Instrument Set
That's all I've got for now because after this point, I'm trying to plan and find out how I can see about finally snagging the chances to work down this backlog as the months forge ahead. But that doesn't mean that I'm still on the hunt for new candidate either; I'll see about elaborating on this further in a future blog entry post for the site.
Until then, and as always, if you have any difficulties in loading the new file in question tied to this music file addition update, please don't hesitate to let me know as soon as possible. Take care until next time around, everyone; see you awesome people later.