"Anniversary Statement Document" Suggestion Form (2022) Now Available; Your Input Needed By 3/18/'22

Posted by Merit Celaire [ mailto: ]
Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2022 - 07:53 PM
Category: Site News/Update Entries

Good evening, friends; tonight, an all new form is now in action for this "home base website" of our music operations as a whole. This time around, it's in regards to asking for everyone's suggestions on what you all believe I should see about addressing in the upcoming "music operations anniversary statement" for this year as well as how I should approach writing the document itself.

However, be forewarned: this "Anniversary Statement Document" Suggestion Form has a deadline attached with it. To give me time to prepare for the writing of said "Anniversary Statement Document" itself, I need everyone's responses by no later than March 18, 2022. It is on that same day that the form itself will close come 11:59 P.M. (CST).

Also, keep in mind that any submissions received from this form count toward the deduction of Formspree's "50 submissions per month limit" for our related account with them. In case you haven't read the news about the reasonings behind this, you're able to do so here.

Once again, to proceed with filling out our "Anniversary Statement Documet" Suggestion Form for 2022, please head for this page in question. If you have any further questions about this form itself that need more clarifying, please don't hesitate to contact me. See you all later.

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