Happy 2022 to Everyone! Getting Ready For This "New Year" Ahead

Posted by Merit Celaire [ mailto: ]
Date: Saturday, January 1, 2022 - 04:58 PM
Category: Music Operation Happenings

Special 2022 picture featuring Mario and friends courtesy of the Twitter social media accounts from Nintendo.

This blog entry's title says all, awesome people... we have now officially started the brand new 2022 year itself! I would like to definitely give my personal shoutouts to all of you faithful friends/followers of these beloved music operations as we continue to get through this special weekend and get ourselves situated for what's about to come for possible upcoming Super Nintendo music style arrangement covers focused on modern songs from Nintendo's Super Mario game series (main, spinoff, and branched).

Right now, as I've already stated, I'm still in the "weekend mode" and trying to get situated myself for this new year itself. But I still have some quick announcements that need to be shared:

(1) A "Year In Review" article is still being planned to be written up during the course of the first full week of 2022 itself; like previous ones that I've done, this mainly takes a look back at the "activity" that was made during the previous year.

(2) I've been doing some backend maintenance work on the site to take care of some adjustments here and there so we can be completely set for the first upcoming full week of this new year. There shouldn't be anything wrong on your side in terms of navigating the site, but as always, if you still run into any problems, please don't hesitate to contact me immediately about the situation that you're experiencing.

(3) Don't forget that the online suggestion forms are still around; I'm still wanting to hear from many of you regarding what songs you hope I'll consider doing Super Nintendo music style arrangement covers for during this brand new year along with letting me know what modern Mario series' installments you're currently been following for new music covers from me as well as the featured Super Nintendo music instrument sets that you're mostly familiar with.

(4) Last, but not least, but this should already be a given - like last weekend, any kind of correspondence from you all that I receive from any online form here on this site (including new invite/join requests for our interactive communities via Twitter and/or Discord) will be reviewed and processed on Monday (1/3/'22).

Thanks once again for your heartfelt support of yours truly and these music operations as a whole, and let's hope for the best in this brand new year that we've just started. Until then, I'll see you folks next time around. I'm out.

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