Hey there, good evening, friends; just a quick heads-up to you all on a few things that I'm dealing with during these two final days before this month comes to a close. And they're all on the backend side of things which should cause no disruption on the front end, but it is indeed necessary to make sure everything is up to date so I can focus on clearing the majority of this backlog during the upcoming "final four months" of this year.
(1) "Home Base Website" Materials Backup
First, during the course of tonight or during the course of tomorrow, I'll be seeing about logging into this site's related hosting account to do the periodic backup procedures on it to ensure that we've got that end especially up to date. Although I"m grateful that this site itself has held up for the majority of this year, we never know when "unforunate circumstances" regarding this hosting account will occur, so it's definitely best to be very safe than sorry here.
(2) "SoundCloud Portal" Maintenance
More specifically on this news, and this is especially for those of you who follow us on our related account at SoundCloud: during tonight and/or during the course of tomorrow, I'll be carefully rechecking what we've got on our account there to see which songs might have to be taken off to free up available timespace (since we're still under a "free account" status there); at last check, the timespace status currently stands at 167 minutes used / 180 minutes available, which means that said account is about to get full unless I do this possible action. Plus, it looks like I might be adding new "personal favorites" to that account as the months forge ahead and I clear this backlog, so it's best to get this SoundCloud account in check before those new "candidates" are found for addition.
That all that I have to see about announcing to give you all a fair warning about what's about to be dealt with on the backend; as always, if you have any further questions about what was just shared in this posting in question, please don't hesitate to contact me with your inquiry. I'm gone for now.