HEADS-UP: Site Hosting Account Being Reset Soon (Addressing Backend Issues)

Posted by Merit Celaire [ mailto: ]
Date: Monday, January 20, 2020 - 08:09 PM
Category: Server News

Been busy trying to get some site account stuff sorted out on the backend of this place; a few days ago, I've gotten word from the folks at Vimly Digital via support ticket that despite all options they've tried on their end to address the current situations with my related account for this site (mostly in regards to my "database access" login issues related to the replacement forum software that I've been atempting to set up), they'd have to see about doing an "account reset" because there were certain aspects that still require another part of my account backend in order for me to log on to the database area of it successfully.

This is a heads-up that I'm currently taking care of doing yet another site/materials backup in relation to this account starting tomorrow so that the hosting administration can proceed with doing the account reset itself (which includes the filesystem for this site itself and the database that we implement for the replacement forum system). So if you attempt to check this site's front page and are experiencing issues, this is most likely the case.

Many apologies in advance for any inconveniences this may bring up during the next few days; rest assured, I'll keep you all posted via other available matters including our other "interactivity portals" once the site itself is back online again and hopefully, my "database access" issue has been completely resolved. We appreciate your understanding of this matter.

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