Nintendo Switch Console Successor Unveiled - "Nintendo Switch 2"

Posted by Merit Celaire [ mailto: ]
Date: Friday, January 17, 2025 - 09:01 AM
Category: Miscellaneous

Good morning, friends; just snagging this opportunity at the current moment to make this "breaking news" post that surfaced during the course of yesterday morning - as many of us videogame hobbyists are more than aware, the Nintendo company as a whole posted their first formal announcement about the incoming console that will follow the still insanely popular Nintendo Switch. The thing is, it's going to be a new "iteration" of it: the "Nintendo Switch 2"; it is planned to have the console itself be in full action during later on in this 2025 year.

First and foremost, the "first announcement" trailer regarding this upcoming console successor from Nintendo can be viewed here via their YouTube channel; second, it's also planned for a "Nintendo Direct" presentation focused on this upcoming console to be posted during the course of early April (more specficially, 4/2/2025). Make no mistake, yours truly will be marking this date to prepare for said day to arrive so I can view this upcoming presentation in question.

Finally, and to the main reason we're posting this blog entry this morning, in that same announcement video posting, we were given teaser hints that the newest major "Mario Kart" installment is currently in the works for the upcoming "Nintendo Switch 2" console, as you can seen in these snapshots I took below.

And you know what that means for our music operations in regards to our Super Nintendo music style arrangement cover endeavors here: when the "Nintendo Switch 2" console officially gets into action (which I believe it's safe to say Nintendo's definitely aiming for later on in this 2025 year itself), a new "era" of Super Nintendo music styled arrangements from yours truly focused on songs from Mario series game made for the "Nintendo Switch 2" system (main games/spinoff games/branched games) will start, and the upcoming "Mario Kart" game installment for said NS2 won't be an exception, without a doubt. We're looking forward to preparing for this new angle of the journey both on the general end as well as the Super Nintendo music style arrangement cover end when the said day comes; until then, keep it here for any new developments involving this newest upcoming chapter. I'm out for now.

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