"Paper Mario: Color Splash" - New Music Arrangement Cover Added: "Toad Trainworks (Train Engine Repair)"
Posted by Merit Celaire [ mailto: ] Date: Tuesday, December 31, 2024 - 06:12 AM Category: Music File Additions/Updates
All right, everyone, it's time to start clearing out a portion of this music operation's overall backlog before the 2024 year itself is officially in the history books for us. So here we go.
To start things off this morning, this latest Super Nintendo music styled arrangement cover targets a song heard in Paper Mario: Color Splash (developed for the Nintendo WiiU console) as we're exploring the "Toad Trainworks" locale and trying to assist in the case of helping said workers in the respective train repair shop restore an engine (for the "Sunset Express" train) that was wrecked by an "aversarial force" blocking their ride to its ultimate destination in the respective portion of the overall story.
Fun fact: yours truly was working on this cover in question during the "summer months" of this year in hoping to update this respective page (which had its last update on it a little over four years ago; 11/23/2020 to be exact). Now the below file link gets the page officially updated today (and as one of the final additions for 2024) which you're able to check out below.
New File No.
Song Title
SNES Music Arrangement Style/Featured Instrument Set
The Adventures of Batman & Robin (SNES Version - Konami)
That's it for now in regards to this latest Paper Mario: Color Splash music cover, but stay tuned; more covers from other targets installments are to follow shortly. Take care until then.