Latest "Social Media Portal" Polls: The Upcoming "Anniversary Statement for 2024" and "Princess Peach: Showtime!" Music Cover Stuff

Posted by Merit Celaire [ mailto: ]
Date: Friday, April 26, 2024 - 05:57 PM
Category: Social Media Portals

Okay, friends, in case you haven't noticed on both our Twitter (X) profile account and our music operations related server at the Discord, there is currently a poll related to my top priorities that are planned for getting off my planbook for next month: writing the upcoming "anniversary statement for 2024" for these music operations as a whole, and getting our first batch of upcoming Super Nintendo music styled arrangement covers finalized and posted focused on songs heard from the recently released Princess Peach: Showtime! installment.

Make no mistake, my planbook is clear on this thing at least: these two above mentioned angles must be taken care of and crossed off my planbook's to-do list during the course of next month itself (and especially before the "summer months period" starts in late May/early June). However, the poll that's in action on our "Twitter (X) Portal" and "Discord Portal" is asking you all which of these two things do you all think I should deal with getting out of the way first.

Here's the thing: the polls in question on both were posted during the course of yesterday on the two social media portals there, each with a one week timeframe, as usual. So make sure that your votes on the respective poll(s) have been submitted and lock in before the next of next Thursday, please; as always, don't wait until the last minute and miss out on let me know your say on this aforementioned matter.

For the poll at our "Twitter (X) Portal", it can be found by going here; current "Discord Portal" members can find the same poll on the respective music operations related discussion channel. Thanks in advance for your help in advance on this one, everyone, and I'll see you all later.

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