New Twitter (X) Poll: Instrument Set Involvement for Upcoming Covers Related to Songs from "Princess Peach: Showtime!"
Posted by Merit Celaire [ mailto: ]
Date: Tuesday, March 12, 2024 - 04:12 PM
Category: Social Media Portals
Good afternoon, friends; although planning details regarding upcoming Super Nintendo music styled song covers are still under lock and key focused on songs from the highly anticipated Princess Peach: Showtime! installment set to be released in a little over one week from now, that doesn't mean I can't get input from all of you awesome people out there (especially those of you who are dedicated Princess Peach supporters) letting me know what featured Super Nintendo music instruments will be called upon in this regard when the time comes.
Case in point, and to the announcement itself: at our Twitter (X) profile page, there is now an active poll showing the instrument set candidates having the highest probability to get called on when I do the song covers themselves involving stuff from Princess Peach: Showtime! Those instrument set candidates that are under consideration include, but may not be limited to:
* The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse (Capcom)
* Disney's Aladdin (Capcom)
* Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster Busts Loose! (Konami)
* Animaniacs (Konami)
The poll itself in question that involves the four above mentioned choices can be found here; keep in mind that like in previous polls on Twitter (X), as always, this one is set to close/expire in one week after the time of its posting - so please don't wait until the last minute on this one. We need everyone to get involved in casting votes on this poll itself so I'll definitely have an idea about which Super Nintendo music instrument sets you favor the most when I start the music arrangement process of the Princess Peach: Showtime! songs themselves and the respective page gets added to this site in due time.
Thanks in advance for your time and assistance on voting on this active poll in advance; we have to do all that we can to ensure that we represent Princess Peach and the upcoming Nintendo Switch game itself well on the music side of things at least; I know you all aren't expecting anything less here, and neither is yours truly. Take care until next time around, all; I'm out.Source URL: