And We're FINALLY Back Online; Got A Lot Of Catching Up To Do

Posted by Merit Celaire [ mailto: ]
Date: Monday, January 29, 2024 - 01:16 PM
Category: Site Hosting Server News

Nope, faithful friends/followers of these music operations as a whole, you are not reading that title wrong. Yours truly has been dealing with one of the biggest hurdles in the history of these endeavors to date; as you all are much well aware, this entire home base website's respective hosting account was temporarily suspended due to the monthly traffic allotment under it having already exceeded the 5 GB threshold under AwardSpace's "free hosting client" status (resulting in your not able to see this website itself for the majority of this month's second half). I knew that on the backend, I had to take action to see about getting the respective account upgraded before the month is out because I have a very strong feeling that if this wasn't done before next month arrives, we'd all run into this same kind of crisis again and that's something that I don't want to see happen for a third time.

I've yet to recheck on any differences that have been implemented in regards to our hosting account now with AwardSpace, but this much is certain: as of the date and time of this posting, the respective hosting account in question has now been updated to the "paid client status" (and my conscience is telling me that if I'm not wrong, this was the kind of case and route that the AwardSpace folks were hoping that I would take). So now, this "paid hosting client" status is in effect for our home base website for up to one year in which I'll make sure to renew in due time.

Once again, I'll see about making a seperate post in regards to any changes in restrictions from the website side after I've done more investigation on the backend. But my first assumption would have to be in regards to communication abilities related to it for the most part.

I'll keep you all posted; until then and on a side note, this is one of the "major hurdles" that I've had to deal with during the course of this latter part of the month, as mentioned earlier. But there's another major hurdle that apparently some super evil adversarial forces just had to throw at yours truly, and here's a hint: it's resulted in one of our online forms for this site having to be taken offline for a temporary period. More on that in another posting later on either tonight or tomorrow. Stay tuned.

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