"Music File Statistics" Rankings Document Updated as of 12/30/2023

Posted by Merit Celaire [ mailto: ]
Date: Saturday, December 30, 2023 - 02:33 PM
Category: Site News/Update Entries

As of this afternoon, everyone, the "Music File Statistics" Rankings Document has now been updated for the final time this year to reflect the recent music file additions that were posted between yesterday and earlier today. And once again, stuff was shaken up between both the "Featured Mario Game Installments" category and the "Featured Super Nintendo Music Instrument Sets" category (those changes have also been noted in our rankings changelog).

That's all for now regarding the announcement here; I have one more to share with you faithful friends/followers of these music operations as a whole, but that won't be dealt with until I return back home later this afternoon (I've been dealing with all this final music operations related business on the backend at my town library's computer lab before they close for their New Year's holiday break); for now, I will say that the announcement itself for later this evening is in regards to music operations plans and correspondence handling during the remainder of this New Year's holiday weekend. Be on the lookout for that soon, and until then, I'll see you awesome people later. I'm gone for now.

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