House Internet Connections Finally Back; Playing Literal Catchup on the Backend

Posted by Merit Celaire [ mailto: ]
Date: Monday, July 17, 2023 - 03:09 PM
Category: Music Operation Happenings

Good afternoon, friends; I'm still at my town library's computer area to make sure to write this posting, but as of the date and time of said blog entry here on this site, I'm more than happy to announce that my house Internet connection matters have at last been resolved (since during the course of this previous Friday). All that remains for me on the backend there is to see about making the first bill that's due during the course of next week and I should be good to go on that front. I'm also hoping that this kind of case never happens again down the road that would literally place my general planbook (including music operations related stuff) to a screeching halt for almost one month.

Along with what was stated above, yours truly also has to get resituated and reassess his music operations planbook on the backend to find out what to focus on next regarding getting new content for this site itself including new music covers (especially considering the fact that we've only did seven covers spanning two Mario series' featured installments for the first half of this year). The reason I say this is because the "house Internet connection" mess that I had to endure for almost two months has triggered a super annoying "music arrangers block" in my mind, so it's going to take some time for me to do some catching up on that end (as well as rechecking on any correspondence that I may have missed during that time). So once again, I definitely appreciate your patience one more time in advance as I slowly get back into the groove here.

Once again, in the meantime, please don't forget to use these online suggestion forms to your advantage; rest assured that every one I receive will be reviewed carefully, even though they are not to be treated as "request forms". But they do give me an idea about what kind of Super Nintendo music styled arrangement covers you hope I'll consider as we go through the second half of this year.

That's all for now because I have to head out again to deal with more errands outside of these music operations as a whole. Take care until I see you all again next time around; hopefully with news of new music operations related stuff in tow to share with all of you faithful friends/followers here. See you all later.

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