Anniversary Statement Document Suggestion Form Now Open for 2023

Posted by Merit Celaire [ mailto: ]
Date: Thursday, March 2, 2023 - 06:17 PM
Category: Site News/Update Entries

As promised, everyone, the "Anniversary Statement Document Suggestion Form" for 2023 is now active as of tonight and ready to receive submissions from you faithful friends/visitors/followers of these music operations as a whole letting me know what you hope will be addressed as the document itself gets written up for posting at a later date.

Two things to remember: any submissions made from this aforementioned form still count toward the deduction allotment from Formspree related to our account with them; make sure that you review your submission details that you fill out prior to sending the form itself for my review.

Second, all submissions from this form must be sent for my review by no later than March 31, 2023. The form itself is set to close by the end of that day barring any further submission attempts after the due date here.

Thanks in advance for your assistance on this to help me plan for writing this anniversary statement document itself for 2023; looking forward to hearing from you all shortly on this one. I'm gone for now.

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