Upcoming Music Arrangement Cover Now Being Aimed For The First Week Of May

Posted by Merit Celaire [ mailto: ]
Date: Friday, April 29, 2022 - 05:42 PM
Category: Music Operation Happenings

Okay, so a quick follow-up regarding the latter part of this post which I wrote last week giving hints that an upcoming Super Nintendo music styled arrangement cover was in the works in hope would be added before this month of April comes to a close.

The situation is this: the upcoming cover is still in the works, but the process itself is halfway there. This was because I wanted to definitely make sure that our "latest anniversary statement" was written up and added onto our site before I could see about continuing with other music operations related matters here. That got accounted for (thank heavens), but other "real life obligations" outside of here got in the way as well.

So now the aim is that hopefully during the course of this coming weekend, I can see about getting back in the music arrangement process groove and get this newest Super Nintendo music styled cover done so we can get it finalized for posting during the first full week of May next month. I believe you'll be excited to check it out when the announcement itself gets made in due time.

Until then, I really do appreciate everyone's understanding in advance... and once again to make a long story short, yes, that newest music cover is still coming. Stay tuned, awesome people! Have a great weekend, all; I'm out.

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