Playing catch up regarding relaying of news here on this site because I've been dealing with a lot of "outside matters" the past few days, but rest assured that I'm not asleep on the backend. Especially since I'm still in the "planning stages" on how we're going to prepare to mark our "12th anniversary" of these beloved music operations as a whole later this month.
To the point of this posting: a few days ago, if you're a confirmed and active follower of our music operation's Twitter profile, then you may have noticed that a few days ago (this past Monday, to be exact), I posted two polls to conclude the previous month about certain matters; however, I've yet to receive response votes from you all on the said matters. The polls in question are the following:
* Planning Assistance to Slowly Clear Most Of The "Music Arrangements Progress Page" Backlog
* Poll Regarding The "Singapore Speedway" Song from Mario Kart Tour
Remember that if you do have a Twitter account and are a confirmed follower of us, then you're able to click the above links to see the posts and cast your votes while the polls themselves that have just been mentioned are still open. But this forewarning must still be said: your votes for these two aforementioned polls must be submitted before the end of 2/7/'22.
If you are not a "confirmed follower" of our respective music operation's profile on Twitter, then what are you waiting for? You're still able to go to this page and click on the "Follow" button to submit a follower request to me so that you can see the postings that we have made so far under our profile on the Twitter platform. Keep in mind that if there are any "follower requests" submitted for review during the course of this coming weekend after said announcement of this matter has been posted, I'll be reviewing them all during the course of this coming Monday (2/7/'22).
In any case, I still am ready and willing to hear from all of you voting wise in regards to these above mentioned polls via our Twitter profile page so please make sure you've taken care of your votes on them before they close before the end of this coming Monday. Many thanks in advance for your support on this and I'll see you awesome people later.